Hydraulic Hose Repair
Hydraulic hoses are critical for the operation of a machine and a leaking hose can cause a wide range of issues such as:
- Environmental Issues: Leaking hydraulic oil is a major issue for the environment
- Injury Concerns: High pressure oil has the potential to cause severe injury to anyone that comes into contact.
- Costly Downtime: Severe leaks that are not addressed can cause further damage that may see the machine in for repairs.
- Further Damage: Damaged hoses can cause damage to other important components resulting in down time and costly repairs.
So what do you do if you find a leaking or damaged hydraulic hose?
Here’s a proven process to review and fix any issues.
- Step One: Identify The Source Of The Leak
Hydraulic hoses can be wound though tight spaces and around rigid corners.
They often cross one another in spaces that aren’t readily visible. This means the source of a pool of fluid in one area could actually be from somewhere else.
To clearly identify the source of a leak, start by cleaning and drying the area where hydraulic fluid may have leaked.
Once this area is clean and dry, pressurise the entire system and, wearing safety glasses, observe safely to see where the fluid is coming from.
Don’t use your hands to feel around for the source of the leak, since this could cause injury by way of burn fluid injection.
Once the source of the leak has been clearly identified and confirmed, it’s time to fix the problem.
- Step Two: Depressurise The System
Discharging the pumps and turning off the accumulator ensures that fluid won’t spray uncontrollably.
- Step Three: Address the Problem
Sometimes it is as simple as a loose hose tail or damaged seal — where the hose connects to the machinery — is the source of the problem, simply replace the seal and tighten the nut, re-pressurise the system and see if the problem has been fixed.
If this does not fix the problem, it may be necessary to replace the hose.
- Step Four: Replacing a Hose
Unfortunately, hoses that are cracked or worn cannot be repaired. They must be replaced and this requires quick hands and the right tools.
First, remove any hose clamps that are holding the hose in place.
Next, unscrew one of the hose nuts and quickly put a hydraulic cap into the fitting, while plugging the hose with a hydraulic plug.
Then quickly do the same on the other end.
Before the new hose is put in place, it’s important to inspect it for dirt, debris and foreign objects — all of which can wreak havoc on a hydraulic system. If the hose is dirty or blocked, use compressed air to clean it.
Once the hose is clean, put it in place. Make sure it doesn’t bend or twist, as this can lead to more problems in the future. It should not rub against any other components.
Remove one of the hydraulic caps and reconnect the hose using a hose nut. Repeat the process on the other side and re-attach the hose clamps. Afterwards, re-pressurise the system and look for leaks.
A leaking hydraulic hose can be a very serious problem. The best way to stop this from happening is to invest in the best product possible.
Here at Holdfast we use and recommend Continental Hose
- Step Five: Making a Hose
As stated above, a damaged or leaking hose can cause some serious issues, and a hose failure on a machine can be catastrophic, so it is crucial that a hose is manufactured to the correct specifications by an experienced hose technikcian.
If you have a Holdfast Hose Container onsite then identify the hose correct length, orientation and fittings and manufacture the hose to correct crimp spec using all the included documentation.
- Step Six: Need Someone 24/7
Need someone to come out and manufacture hose for you, then rely on Holdfast for fast and efficient hydraulic hose repair any day, any time, in any location that’s convenient to you. Contact us for Mobile Hydraulic Repairs today.